How to Embrace Decluttering Magic for a Mindful Edit Now
How to Embrace Decluttering Magic for a Mindful Edit Now

When my organizing clients describe how they feel about their clutter, the word they use most frequently is “overwhelm.”  Their accumulation of papers, magazines, clothing, toys, gadgets, housewares, or collections has turned into what they perceive as “overwhelming clutter.”  Clutter tolerance varies. For some, a small pile of papers will feel overwhelming, and for others, a closet bursting with clothing will tip their overwhelm scale. Response to clutter can make you feel stuck or motivated to take action. Both reactions are normal. 

If your clutter is making it hard to focus, move through your space, or adding extra stress, this is an excellent time to use a simple strategy.  I use it regularly with my virtual organizing clients. We activate the decluttering magic of the mindful edit. What’s that? I was hoping you would ask. 


Clutter is an accumulation of stuff. It represents postponed decisions, objects without homes, misplaced items, or things that have overstayed their welcome. Editing happens first, which clears the clutter so that getting organized can begin. The beauty of the mindful edit is that it can be done in tiny time blocks- five, ten, or twenty minutes. Using small blocks of time to ask quality questions, edit, and declutter makes the process doable and less overwhelming.

The beauty of the mindful edit is that it can be done in tiny time blocks.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

Especially when you are overwhelmed, instead of creating a big plan, making you feel more overwhelmed, think small. It’s OK to allow the editing process to be more organic rather than defining every step. Begin in a tiny area like a kitchen drawer, a closet rack, or a single paper pile. The goal is to edit a little section and then move on to the next.


Ask mindful editing questions:

  • Does this item belong in this room?

  • Can I reroute it to another location?

  • Do I need this?

  • Do I like it?

  • Is it still useful?

  • Can I donate, trash, or recycle it? 

  • Does it need to occupy primary real estate?

  • Has it expired?

  • Do I have to be the keeper of this paper, information, or can I easily find it on the Internet?

  • Is it enhancing or detracting from my life, space, or area?

  • Is it adding to overwhelm and clutter?

  • Can I release it now?

  • Is it time to part ways and let it go?


You might have other questions that you love to ask. The better your questions are, the more successful the edit, and the less clutter you will have.

There is tremendous power in the mindful edit and the positive feelings you will experience when you let go. What are your favorite editing questions for reducing clutter? Do you have a recent editing experience you want to share? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

5 Incredibly Useful Strategies to Calm Your Mind Clutter
5 Incredibly Useful Strategies to Calm Your Mind Clutter

Clutter can creep into our lives and consume valuable energy. It can show up physically as paper piles on desks or kitchen counters, clothing flowing out of closets and drawers, or bins full of toys the kids no longer play with. There is also mind clutter, which can consume your thoughts. Physical clutter and mind clutter are closely connected. Have you ever noticed how challenging it is to think, be productive, or relax when your physical environment feels cluttered?

In the same way that I begin writing with a blank page, I engage more successfully in daily life when my space is clear with few distractions. For example, when I’m about to cook, I prefer the kitchen to be clean with uncluttered surfaces and an empty sink. When I work on a project like writing or developing a workshop, I focus better when my desk is clear of paper scraps and other projects. At night, I sleep better, getting into a made bed with clean sheets. Being in a clear, uncluttered place can be energizing or relaxing. 

However, when our mind clutter is dominating the internal conversation, what can you do? There are five effective strategies I regularly use for calming mind clutter. Some of these simultaneously address physical clutter.


5 Useful Strategies to Calm Your Mind Clutter

1. Get Out!

Yes. You guessed it. To clear the mind, getting outside for a walk is highly effective. Even a small dose of fresh air, be it five, ten, or sixty minutes, can do wonders for the cluttered mind. It’s even more beneficial if you can walk in nature. The fragrances of spring are intoxicating- lilacs and Lily of the Valley scent the air.


2. Free Write

Grab a pen and your favorite journal or pad of paper, then download the swirl of thoughts onto paper. Don’t worry about editing or organizing your thoughts in any way. Just allow them to flow. You might be surprised what comes out. Writing is an excellent way to unclutter the mind. 


Writing is an excellent way to unclutter the mind.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

3. Just Meditate
Practicing mindfulness meditation is a gentle way to work with a full mind. The idea isn’t to empty your mind during the practice. The quiet allows a place to let thoughts float by without judging or engaging in the content. You can also experiment with focusing on the breath while meditating. This will calm the mind and switch you into the rest and digest mode.


4. Shred It!

Shredding paper is so cathartic. As you release and shred physical piles and files, the mind unclutters too. The physical act of releasing enables the mind to also let go. Shredding is one way to unclutter. Any type of letting go of physical objects that have overstayed their welcome work wonders in releasing your mind clutter.


5. Take Care

Having jumbled thoughts can be connected to sleeping too few hours, not eating nutritiously, or ignoring self-care. When was the last time you took care of yourself? What did that look like? It’s not selfish to take a bubble bath or extra long shower, get a massage or pedicure, or sleep for eight hours. Relaxation time is essential to reducing mind clutter.


When your mind is cluttered, what strategy is most effective for you? I would love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

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4 Ways to Let Go of Things When Emotional Attachments Are Powerful
4 Ways to Let Go of Things When Emotional Attachments Are Powerful

Letting go can be challenging, especially when we have strong emotional attachments to our things. You might wonder why you have to let go? You don’t. You always have a choice. However, there are pivotal moments in our lives when letting go is necessary and you’re struggling. Perhaps you are in the midst of a significant life change like moving or rightsizing. Maybe you lost a loved one and are responsible for editing and dispossessing their things. Or, perhaps you are overwhelmed with a mountain of belongings that no longer deserve physical or mental space in your life. When we combine emotional transitions with a propensity for strong attachments to our stuff, letting go can be difficult.

Minimalist Leo Babauta wrote something, which resonated with me. He referred to “the skill of letting go.”  All skills require practice. His description is infused with hope. It suggests that even if you are struggling with letting go, you can practice and improve. This is something I’ve experienced with my clients. The more they work at letting go, the less challenging it becomes.


4 Ways to Let Go of Things When Emotional Attachments are Powerful

1. Exercise Letting Go Muscles

I’ve always perceived letting go as a muscle that needs to be exercised like other muscles. However, we wouldn’t start lifting with a 100 lb. weight. We’d start small, maybe with a five-pounder, and build from there. This thought process is similar to letting go of the things we’re attached to. Exercise your letting go muscles by starting with the “lighter-weight” possessions like clothing or junk mail. Get a letting go rhythm established and work your way to the “heavier-weight” items that you feel more emotionally connected. Like most of us starting an exercise routine, it’s helpful to have an accountability partner or trainer. For help exercising your letting go muscles, hire a professional organizer like me, or work with a trusted friend or family member. It can make all the difference.



2. Normalize Emotional Attachments

It is prevalent, especially with people challenged by disorganization, to have strong emotional attachments to things. When attachments are heightened, identify and display your most valued treasures, set boundaries around what “enough” means, and use physical boundary parameters like a box or closet size. For items that get released, make the “homes” they go meaningful and that the places or people they are donated or given to will appreciate them. All of these things will make letting go easier to process.


Letting go can be challenging, especially when we have strong emotional attachments to our things.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™


3. Incentivize Letting Go

When we invite people over for a small gathering (tiny these days because of the pandemic,) what happens? Most of us become motivated to make our home guest-ready. This can include cleaning, decluttering, and letting go. Establishing a manufactured date can boost incentive for getting your home “good enough” for your company. Consider increasing the frequency of invitations to friends and family (using COVID safety protocols) as a dual incentive- more socializing time and increased opportunities to sort, edit, organize, and let go.



4. Minimize Kinesthetic Sympathy

When we physically touch things, it can increase our emotional attachment to them. This is the premise of kinesthetic sympathy. If you can, work with someone who can physically hold up the items for you while selecting what to keep or release. Putting physical distance and touch between you and the object can make decision-making more manageable. Physical space decreases emotional attachment and helps distinguish what is most treasured from the things that are no longer needed.


Do you or someone you know feel challenged with letting go? Do emotional attachments make it harder to let go? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

How to Easily Let Go When Your Needs and Wants Absolutely Conflict
How to easily let go when your needs and wants absolutely conflict

What happens when you need to work, push, and get things done, yet you feel like doing the exact opposite? When needs and wants conflict, which one wins out? Are you able to let go? Do you forge ahead despite the competing feelings? Do you compromise? Do you listen to the voice that is pulling you in the ‘opposite’ direction? Does procrastination take hold?

As I’ve described before, my natural tendency is to push myself. It’s not that I’m always working. I’m not. I purposely take breaks, have work boundaries, and make time to not do. However, I can still be hard on myself. It’s this deep sense I have to continually strive and complete. It’s not necessarily a negative thing, but there are times, like now, when my usual mode of operating competes with the loss and grief I’m experiencing. My typically wider bandwidth feels much narrower these days. It is only a few weeks since my mom died, and I have less energy.

I was willing to let go of my expectations and listen to what my heart and mind needed.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

I gifted myself a compromise. Instead of writing more, I’ll share a video of the places I’ve been exploring with you. I’ve enjoyed being outside in the spring air to walk, see, smell, capture, and experience its beauty and magnificence. It’s just what I needed. Seeing the Hudson Valley landscape green and burst with color again feels beautifully affirming and hopeful.


I was willing to let go of my expectations and listen to what my heart and mind needed. Quiet time with nature called. What have you let go of recently? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

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