Posts tagged mail
Three Types of Motivation and Really Helpful Ways to Sustain Them

When you think about types of motivation, often thoughts are about internal and external motivation. Recently, I noticed another way to consider motivation and helpful strategies to sustain them.

Instead of focusing on where motivation comes from, think about how much motivation you need over a specific time. For example, the time and motivation you need to accomplish a single task like responding to an email differ from what’s required to achieve a long-term goal such as organizing an entire home.

With this in mind, let’s look at three types of motivation that are time-based and ways to help you nourish your motivation.


3 Types of Motivation with Helpful Ways to Sustain Them

1. Short Motivation Burst


  • You can accomplish the task with a few simple steps.

  • You can complete the task in less than 30 minutes.

  • You can do the task on your own.

  • The task has few if any obstacles to entry.

Short motivation examples include:

  • Meditating

  • Taking a walk

  • Making a phone call

  • Responding to an email

  • Clearing the dishes from the kitchen sink

  • Putting your laundry in the hamper

  • Decluttering your handbag

  • Sorting today’s mail

In most cases, you need low motivation to complete these activities because they require less energy and have a high satisfaction or “done” rate. If you’re a list maker, you’ll enjoy the endorphin ping you’ll receive when you’re able to quickly check that “one and done” off of your list.

When you struggle with getting motivated, selecting a short motivation burst activity can give you the energy needed to tackle something more extensive.


To enhance long-term motivation, gather your support team.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™


2. Medium Motivation Gallop


  • You can accomplish the item with multiple steps.

  • You can complete the item over several days or months.

  • You might require help or information from someone.

  • You might encounter some obstacles before or during the process.

Medium motivation examples include:

  • Preparing tax returns

  • Developing a new workshop

  • Organizing a kitchen

  • Writing an article
    Reviewing your financials

  • Editing and re-organizing your filing system

  • Helping your kid pack for college

More motivation and energy are needed to complete these types of projects. You might encounter some emotional or physical challenges along the way or be unsure of your next step. The challenges can result in feeling deflated or de-motivated.

To sustain motivation for the medium motivation projects, spend time gathering your resources, whether physical ones like trash bags, markers, and boxes or emotional ones, like the support of friends, family members, or professional organizers like me.


3. Long Motivation Journey


  • You can accomplish your project with a series of mini goals.

  • You can complete your project over months or a year plus.

  • You will require external support and possibly a team.

  • You will experience obstacles before and during the process.

Long motivation examples include:

Since the long motivation projects happen over an extended time, it can be especially challenging to maintain the energy and motivation needed to bring them to fruition. You will sometimes experience challenges, waning motivation levels, and energy loss.

To sustain your motivation:

  • Break the projects down into doable mini goals

  • Pace yourself, which will reduce burnout

  • Gather your support team

  • Enlist help from accountability and thought partners

  • Share with others what you are working on

  • Gather tools and resources to accomplish what you want in advance

  • Add to your toolbox along the way

  • Keep your eye on the goal, but be flexible with how you get there

As you head for the end goal, focusing on appreciating the journey and the mini successes along the way will enhance your motivation and satisfaction.

Have you considered motivation needs based on time parameters? If so, what has your experience been? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

5 Useful Things People Really Do to Help Get and Keep Beautifully Organized
5 Useful Things People Do to Help Get and Keep Beautifully Organized

Does getting organized feel elusive? If so, don't give up because there is hope. In the almost 30 years I’ve been helping people get organized, there are successful organizing habits that I’ve observed. Even when few are applied, the results can be life-changing.

Being organized will look and feel different for each person.  Someone’s end goal can be another’s starting point. What matters is finding the level of order and organization that feels right for you. 

Let’s look at the useful things people do most frequently to get and stay organized. As you read, note the ones you already do and concepts that will be helpful to try. 


5 Useful Things People Do to Help Get and Keep Organized

1. Make a Plan

When you think of the word “plan,” what comes to mind? Are you imagining detailed lists, charts, and graphs that track your every move? Or, do you think of a plan as something loose and flexible? To become and stay organized, some type of plan needs to exist. The format should align with how you best function. I’ve seen that both detailed and loose plans work. However, with no plan, getting and staying organized won’t happen. 

Both ways of planning work for me, depending on what I’m doing. Currently, I have a long-term goal to reduce the amount of stuff in my life. My plan isn’t a detailed room-by-room-do-this-by-x-date proposition. It’s a low-pressure, loose plan. I have one simple daily repeat on my to-do list that says, “Edit & release some stuff.”  I go to the room, drawer, or closet I feel like doing that day and spend 15-30 minutes editing something.

Some might prefer having a more specific plan, listing each room, and detail the exact things that need editing or organizing on a particular date. This also works. It just depends on what you need to stay motivated and on task. There is no right or wrong.


2. Be ‘Edit’ Aware

One of the reasons that clutter accumulates and disorganization happens is we stop listening to our time to edit antenna. What the heck is the edit antenna? This is the ability to notice when things are piling up and making an area unmanageable. Awareness is essential for getting and staying organized. This edit awareness cues you to activate decision-making. That, in turn, will help you release things that you no longer want, need, or belong elsewhere.

The visible cues can include . . .

  • an unwieldy pile of unopened mail gathering on the dining room table

  • a stuffed sock drawer that can no longer close

  • some random objects that have taken up residence in the wrong rooms

  • a crowded clothes closet, with the feeling you having nothing to wear

  • many back-to-back entries on your calendar without time to breathe


Awareness is essential for getting and staying organized.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™


3. Get ‘It’ Together

Becoming and staying organized involves putting similar things together in the area you are going to use them. Organize so things are easily identifiable and readily available when you need to retrieve or return them. We describe this in various ways that include creating zones, grouping like-with-like, organizing by the ease of use, or corralling related stuff into bins, trays, or boxes. 

Think of the hot beverage zone in the kitchen, which includes an assortment of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, mugs, sweeteners, and filters. Items are strategically placed in the cabinet next to the coffee maker and electric kettle. When it’s time to brew your morning cup of Joe, everything you need is in one place. 



4. Return Home Today

Closely tied to the like-with-like concept is the idea of establishing specific ‘homes’ for all of your belongings. Organizing our stuff involves choosing the most helpful location for things to live. It’s unlikely that you would store your underwear in the kitchen, although that might be the best spot if it’s where you get dressed. But for most of us, having an underwear drawer in the bedroom or dressing area is a more practical location.

The beauty of having a specific home for underwear is you know where to find a pair when getting dressed, where to put the clean, newly washed ones, or where to find extras when packing for a trip. Creating a home works for underwear and everything else you own too. 

Establishing homes is not just about creating specific spots but returning things to their location. That’s what “return home today” is about. Imagine life in pre-pandemic days when you left your house in the morning to go to work and came back when you were done. You physically returned yourself home. You completed the cycle of out/in, which readies you for the next day.

Apply that same concept to your stuff. Something leaves its home. That’s OK and expected. It might leave for a few minutes, hours, or possibly days. Like gravity, what goes up, must come down. With our stuff, what leaves its home gets returned. This includes . . .

  • silverware back to the cutlery drawer

  • pens back to the pencil cup on the desk

  • keys back to the zipper compartment in your bag

  • cell phone back to the charging station

  • pants back to the hanger in the closet

Like gravity, what goes up, must come down. With our stuff, what leaves its home gets returned.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™


5. Make a Quick Exit 

You did some decluttering and identified things to release. In the process, you filled four 30-gallon bags of clothes, two big boxes of dishes and housewares, three shopping bags of linens, two boxes of books, and a large bin of toys. They are contained and ready to exit your house. However, the bags and boxes of donates continue to sit and take up space. The organizing process isn’t complete until the stuff leaves your home.

One of the things people do to get and stay organized is to physically remove the outtakes as soon as possible. Once you identify the giveaways, keep going. Bring them to your local charities or arrange to have them picked up. Focus on that quick exit and then enjoy your clearer, more organized space.

There are many things people do that help them get and keep organized. Which ideas resonate with you? Are there other common strategies you do or have observed? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

What Does Your Next Step Look Like During a Virtual Organizing Session?
What Does Your Next Step Look Like During a Virtual Organizing Session?

A few weeks ago, I wrote about some of the positive mindset changes my clients experience during their virtual organizing sessions. A common theme is going from overwhelmed to unstuck.

Whether clients are overwhelmed or not, all grapple with “What’s my next step?”  This is the intriguing part. How do we figure out what to do next during a virtual organizing session? What do some typical next steps look like?

If you are curious, continue reading. I will share my latest discoveries with you.

How to Figure Out Next

It’s probably no surprise, but figuring out next begins with asking thought-provoking questions and listening carefully. We check in first before we start organizing. With curiosity as our guide, we discuss how things went in between sessions, discover successes and challenges, and find out what’s happening now. Is a current circumstance affecting their energy, mood, or preferences? All of these discoveries go into finding next. 

Once we’ve talked, I can tell if my client is clear about their next step or need help discovering it. If they are unsure, we clarify and discuss several options. It’s always their choice, which is one of the powerful aspects of virtual organizing work. When clients choose what they want to focus on, they own the process and are invested in the outcome. 

What Next Looks Like

Each client has unique organizing goals and needs. Their projects differ in scope and focus. Clients want a range of help from me, including brainstorming, planning, body doubling, focusing, system designing, resource-providing, list-making, and more. While working, we focus on decision-making skills, letting go, mindfulness, awareness, and moving forward one small step at a time. The organizing work happens in their offices (at home and work,) bedrooms, closets, kitchens, pantries, laundry rooms, bathrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, garages and other areas.

Taking that next step builds momentum.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

During each virtual organizing session, they experience change and progress. Taking that next step builds momentum. Below is a small sample of clients’ next steps and successes they experienced during their one-hour virtual organizing sessions:

  • Created a goals list of organizing tasks and projects for every room in the house

  • Edited and cleared papers from the office floor

  • Brainstormed ideas for the most effective use of the space

  • Edited expired make-up and personal care products

  • Edited and decluttered items on the bed

  • Sorted and organized backlog of mail

  • Created a filing system

  • Drafted a project to-do list

  • Edited and decluttered the pantry

  • Cleared out old files 

  • Edited and organized a box of papers

  • Created a to-do list

  • Edited and organized memorabilia

  • Organized books

  • Edited a stack of magazines

  • Edited and organized clothing closet

  • Organized mind clutter

You may wonder why I shared this list. It’s simple. Next begins somewhere. While your goal may be huge, big can be overwhelming. But with focus, small blocks of time, and some guidance, you will get there, one paper, box, or decision at a time.

Where did your next step bring you? Did it create the momentum to continue organizing? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.