What a week it was with a contentious election, rising COVID-19 cases, and so much unrest. To cope, we’ve been doing many things to quiet the stress. How have you been coping? I’ve been teetering between engaging in healthy and not-so-healthy activities. The unhealthy ones have included baking (and eating with some help) a tray of brownies with espresso chocolate chips and making two big pots of macaroni and cheese. On the healthy side, I’ve continued to meditate at least once a day, take walks outside, practice yoga, eat fruits and vegetables, and talk with family and friends. I’ve been on the look for those moments of calm and joy. Even when life is challenging, joy is present.
Last week, one of my good friends and colleagues, Yota Schneider, wrote a wonderful post, On Absorbing Joy. She asks, “What gives you joy?” I love that question because it puts us in a positive seeking mode. And in case you are stuck, Yota offers many suggestions to seek joy-inducing opportunities, which include “engaging your senses” and “having a good conversation with your loved ones.”
“Even in the midst of the chaos, joy kept finding me.”
This past week has been a rollercoaster of moods and emotions. Yet even in the midst of the chaos, joy kept finding me. I felt it as I noticed the light gracing a bright red leaf. I experienced joy when . . .
I giggled and laughed on the phone with my Aunt Bert.
I listened to the sound of the river lapping against the shore.
I heard the rustle of the crunchy fall leaves as they fluttered on the tree branches.
I felt the sun warming my face after many rainy, gray days.
I received an all purple surprise birthday package and card from an old friend.
I read two magazines cover-to-cover without any interruptions.
I saw my mom smile after waking up from a short nap.
I bit into the freshly baked, very hot, intensely chocolate brownie.
I visited with family after being apart for over a year.
I climbed into our cozy bed at night and snuggled next to my husband.
As human beings, we have a tremendous capacity for joy, even during uncertain times. How have you been coping this week? What healthy or not-so-healthy coping strategies did you use? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.